experience designer

3D Work


3D Work

These are 3D objects that I have built in the past. The goal was to develop prototyping skills. 

Pink Foam Modeling

Every designer has to make a million model prototypes before landing on the final design. Pink and blue foam serve as god raw materials to make quick physical prototypes to help conceive the design better in its early stages. 

Tools: Wire cutter, Rasp, Sand paper, Files, Blade, Adhesive Spray


VACUUM Forming - Lamp

I chose to make a hanging mood lamp with an inclined mouth. The wiring itself acts as the hanging cord with a switch just above the lamp. It uses a cylindrical warm light bulb to contrast with the white body. This project helped me understand the functionality and ease of plastic vacuum forming as a process.

Tools:  Jointer, Planer, Table saw (7 steps of planing wood), Wood Lathe, Band saw, Vacuum former, Router table


Woodworking Project

I made a box to hold my sun glasses and watches. The box was divided into partitions for the same. I used Catalox for the sides and purple heart for the top, bottom and partitions.

Tools:  Jointer-Planer, Table saw (7 steps of planing wood), Wood glue, Orbital palm sander, Conditioner


Resin Casting - Nail Mate

I worked with the problem that people sometimes hit their fingures while hammering a nali. The finger pliers help you do the same safely and make sure that the nail goes in straight. They consist of 2 parts held together by an elastic band and the transparent plastic allows the user to see exactly where he is nailing. 

Tools: Smooth cast silicone and resin, Pressure pot, Legos
