During the pandemic of 2020-2021, we are caught in a moment where people are under extraordinary levels of stress & anxiety. It is a difficult time, and we need to do what we can to improve our lot, collectively and individually.
By learning better ways to achieve healthy coping mechanisms and healthy rituals of self-care, we can collectively have greater agency against the challenges of stress and anxiety. Drawing upon the right mix of herbal medicine traditions and modern science can be an effective way to address stress and anxiety
This website is aimed at being a kit or a training guide for these medicinal foods & herbs as mental health and physical health tools. Medicinal foods have arrived at modern times through the efforts of countless generations to demystify the impact potential of these plants. The purpose of this discussion is to present ancient remedies and modern remedies as tools for achieving serenity and to demystify these herbs and plants, which are readily accessible in the form of medicinal foods & herbs for stress and anxiety. This is a segment of relief we want to highlight, both for its efficacy and convenience.
Although steeped in tradition, there is nothing mystical about the ingredients we mention.
This is still an ongoing project and as such research is still being conducted on the same. we would be glad to hear your thoughts on our concept so far.
Please test the prototype and share your feedback.
Our goal for this website and corresponding digital learning center is to help you gain medicinal foods for stress and anxiety literacy. By literacy, we are not referring to the first book that you can read, but the ability to navigate a library across life. It's this higher level of agency in which medicinal foods become as demystified as tools for individual agency.
This initiative aims to educate people about natural remedies for their mental health. We analyze scientific and clinical evidence, gather new data via citizen science and data science, and information to recommend combinations of teas, tinctures, and powders that can be used to achieve each individual's mental health goals. Our research aims at allowing people to be aware of their health and healthy stress-coping alternatives.